Students and 20’s
If you’re aged 18 - 29 and studying or working in Preston we’d love to connect with you! There are a various ways to get involved from opportunities to serve in our church community to being part of a group who gather for food and fellowship. Register your interest below and we’ll be in touch very soon.
Monday Gatherings
Monday evenings at SGP are the place to be! We will gather each Monday evening for a mix of social and fun activities and there will also be space to explore the big questions of life as we look at the Bible together - a great place to get connected and ask questions.
Calming prayer - Focused Study - wholesome food
Scriptorium is our new study space for students. Every Wednesday there will be space for you to study, free wifi and a free lunch interspersed with prayer. You are welcome to stay for as long or little as you like.